Yes. Reporting and recording are legal requirements in Ireland. The report tells the enforcing authorities for occupational health and safety about serious incidents and cases of disease. It helps them identify where and how risks arise and establish whether investigation is required. It also allows enforcing authorities to target their work and provide advice on the avoidance of work-related injuries, ill health, deaths and accidental loss.

Information on accidents, incidents and ill health can be used as an aid to risk assessment, helping to develop solutions to potential risks. Records also help in the prevention of injury, ill health, and control costs from accidental loss.

You must keep a record of any reportable death, injury, occupational disease or dangerous occurrence – all work-related injuries that result in a worker being away from work or unable to carry out a full range of normal duties for more than three consecutive days (not counting the day of the accident but including any weekends or other rest days). Reporting of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2016 (ROI), gives employers guidance on the legal requirements to ensure compliance.